Mr Amritpal Claire (Sunny)
Digital Designer, Influencer & Writer
BSc Information Technology
5th of August 1989
Lives in Derby, UK
"I'm helping improve the world through the feedback that I deliver and the communities I've founded..."
I'm a solutions expert who can understand a company’s vision, identify factors; problem solve, design, develop and demonstrate the most practical & logical option. In addition, I pose extensive web & technological experience, to the degree where I can design almost anything within the web page, which my portfolio shows.
Over the last decade, I've been changing the way the world works through the feedback that I voluntarily deliver to the likes of Facebook and Microsoft. To date, I've submitted approximately 1500 pieces of feedback and have seen a number of suggestions in action, which proves my feedback is useful and that I'm very good at solution engineering.
Furthermore, I’m eager to learn, practice, teach and take on new challenges, as my work demonstrates. View a brief overview of the brands I've setup, the work I've done, the volunteering I do and a timeline of events.
About A creative and battle royale game, where you can become united in our community, use your intelligence and play your role in our agency. When our game is released on most devices and consoles, you will be able to play various exciting modes or jump into the world of creative where you can design the future.
In our creative mode, you will be able to make objects, characters, sounds, emotes, maps and much more! Being a community driven game, you will also be able to suggest your ideas, which may be used now or in the future. Our game will not just be educational, but remarkably fun to play. It will feature an advanced online system, to make sure you can keep track of your things and share any work you've done.
Status Active
Type Gaming Community
Location Derby, UK
Founded 8th February 2021
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
The Live Development
The ImFashion Group features clothing from rising brands & creators via ImFashion.co.uk. It aims on becoming a multi-billion pound venture by 2030, through developing its network and being a go to online retailer.
Status Active
Type Clothing Retailer
Location Derby, UK
Founded April 2023
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
ImFashion.co.uk on Facebook
iPayLike was a web portal, which aimed on providing people with resources for all their needs in life & work. As the portal progressed, during the heightening of the middle eastern war, we began to conduct research, in how to improve the world, through OurWorldGov, where we praised Germany for their efforts with their influx of immigrants and suggested a career security fund for the world to deploy.
Due to political turmoil and minimal reception, we decided to close the service. We also acquired the iPayLike UK trademark, which has since been disolved. Now the portal remains online as a research paper for the greater good, where people can learn from this research.
Status Inactive
Type Web Platforms
Location Derby, UK
Founded June 2014
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
iPayLike Web Portal
iPayLike Research Paper
iPayLike Platform
This web project changed the way I think, design and develop. I learned how to program in ways which changed the way web giants like Google & Microsoft operate.
I paved my way to develop an application which featured the best of the web within one web page and at its peak, you could browse on 99%+ of websites and chat to friends on Facebook simultaneously, which was a world first; allowing you to talk and watch TV on iPlayer at the same time.
Due to market and technological changes, I decided to put this work on the shelf and focus on more tangible routes to digital work.
Status Inactive
Type Web Portal
Location Derby, UK
Founded October 2011
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
Version 7 UK
Version 7 USA
Version 7 China
Version 8 UK
Version 8 US
Web App Player
Web Locket Awards Report
ToMyBooks aims on helping people write their first ever book. Available on Amazon, you can buy our book template and get started by writing notes, doodling, taking inspiration from the community and inspiring the next generation.
Status Active
Type Book Service
Location Derby, UK
Founded 29th Dec 2020
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
UIA The Game was formerly BattleRoyal.world. BattlRoyal.world is a subsidiary to 'UIA The Game - UnitedIntelligenceAgency.com', which is now a dedicated in game battle royal mode. Prior to the new changes, BattleRoyal.world was headed by The Data Driven Game Company.
We've done work with people from around the world, connected with people during the pandemic, gave things for people to do and inspired the next generation to go out there and make their own future.
Status Active
Type Gaming
Location Derby, UK
Founded 22nd June 2019
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
WikiDesign.world is a subsidary of 'UIA The Game - UnitedIntelligenceAgency.com', which is now a dedicated service to help people learn, teach and practice the best ways to design things better, in both our game and the real world. UIA The Game acquired WikiDesign.world in early 2021.
Our framework will allow people to build objects in game, which can be used as recommendations in the real world too, from research and development people undertake on our network.
Status Active
Type R&D
Location Derby, UK
Founded 25th Apr 2019
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
I've worked for a personal client to build a character creator web/app, where I've identified the business requirements, supported the ideation processes, developed conceptual models on paper, right up to building the service, which is accessible on all internet enabled devices.
I've been an integral part of the business as a contractor, where I've identified overlooked problems, devised and implemented solutions and completed the website design to a professional standard. Actual development began on the 15th of March 2018, where I've spent approimately 100 hours in development. I also liased with another web developer who helped plug the database to the interface, which is now active. In the end we had a working version where people could place orders. The following prototype link was a mid development version and by the end of development, there were visual improvements and jquery aids to help the user navigate better.
+ Discussion/Ideation: 25 hours (Jan-Apr)
+ Development/Build: 50 hours (Mar-Apr)
+ Database & Login System: 50 hours (Apr-Jun)
Status Inactive
Type Design & Print
Location Remote
Started 2018
Founder Toby
In the pursuit of a career in the digital space, I decided to analyse Drew Pritchard's antique website, as featured on the TV programme Salvage Hunters, where I identified a number of design flaws. Therefore, I decided to prototype a new design for Drew, which was recommended to him via his email address.
Status Awaiting Response
Type Antiques Dealer
Location Remote
Started 2018
Founder Drew Pritchard
Quiz Royal was a digital gaming concept, which aimed on delivering real time quiz games, which people could partake in and compete for money, with the last man standing.
Status On The Shelf
Type Gaming
Location Derby, UK
Founded 2018
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
Collect Shares was a concept which aims on helping people buy shares in companies, as they navigate from shop to shop. The aim is to provide the typical person with the opportunity to invest in the company, they always use.
Status On The Shelf
Type Investment
Location Derby, UK
Founded 2018
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
ImDerby is a clothing brand that supports the development of the charity Derby Community Hub. Explore the things we and our community sell via our digital store at ImDerby.com
Status Active
Type Infrastructure
Location Derby, UK
Founded April 2023
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
Sunny is a digital expert from Derby in the United Kingdom, who provides feedback to companies & governments around the world, with the aim in helping make a better world for us all to navigate.
Status Active
Type R&D
Location Derby, UK
Founded 20th Jan 2021
Founder Mr Amritpal Claire
In 2014, I was approached by Christopher Gouldsmith to help make a website for a charitable event, which he had setup in tribute to his brother. Volunteering with Chris, involved conceptualising ideas, sketching designs and building the website.
In addition, I provided driver & team support, during his 524 mile marathon from Scotland to Wales. Each day, I would upload the progress made, for Christopher's followers to see.
Status Completed
Type Charitable
Location Derby, UK
Founded February 2014
Founder Mr Christopher Gouldsmith
My passion to work at Facebook opened up in 2011, where I began to submit feedback to Facebook via numerous routes in order to make our world a better place to navigate. Since then, I've influenced how the world works through roughly 1000+ suggestions, which I take great pride from.
To me, this wasn't enough, I had to push the boundaries of my skills and knowledge further, therefore decided to build Facebook products which will eventually improve the way we all access information. The Facebook Browser was my best accomplishment, which I know will change the way we all do computing in the future; being connected to people regardless which app you are using or web page you are browsing.
▲ To 'Share Now' on posts
▲ To view and edit feedback
▲ To 'Save' things across the network
▲ To post live streaming content
▲ To act as page for page owners
▲ To only show like to liked (no unlike)
▲ To be able to search through stickers
▲ To choose advert preferences
▲ To select emoji's in a status
▲ To view page as visitor
▲ To incorporate basic features in Edge
▲ To view when your profile was created
▲ To view visible/pending friend requests
▲ To see more posts from a specific friend
▲ To encourage buy and sell features
▲ To sign up to Instagram using Facebook
▲ + various platform/aesthetic suggestions
Status Inactive
Type R&D
Location Derby, UK
Started 2011 to 2019
Browser Concept
Phone Concept
Books Concept
▲ Internet & Technology
▲ Research & Feedback
▲ Solution Engineering
▲ Creativity & Design
▲ Prototyping & Testing
▲ User Experience & Psychology
▲ Development, Presentation & Delivery
▲ Business, Marketing & Social Networking
▲ Text Editors, HTML, CSS, JQuery & FTP
▲ Devices, Operating Systems & Browsers
▲ Web Services & Hosting
▲ Adobe & Microsoft Products
▲ Follower, Leader & Trendsetter
▲ Communication & Teamwork
2000 - 2005
▲ Started secondary school
▲ Became student representative for 5 years
▲ Joined the school football team
▲ Work placement at Becket Street Primary
2005 - 2010
▲ Finished school with 5 A-C's in GCSE's
▲ Received multiple school awards
▲ Worked at Ward Thomas Removals
▲ Started working as a decorator (family)
▲ Started college to do A/S Levels
▲ Began a BTEC National Diploma in ICT
▲ Became form rep for 2 years at college
▲ Featured story in the Route 16 magazine
▲ Passed planning regs for a shop conversion
▲ Sold computers on eBay for 3 months
▲ Started a computer repair service
▲ Worked at Royal Mail for 3 months
▲ Passed theory and practical driving tests
▲ Passed my BTEC National Diploma in ICT
▲ Started education at the University of Derby
▲ Began to learn how to program on the web
▲ Worked as a sales representative at WDFG
2010 - 2015
▲ Adminstrated at Celex Casting
▲ Started the Web Locket service
▲ Began to document my Facebook portfolio
▲ Became a user experience designer
▲ Managed a 300+ facebook fans page
▲ Officially awarded with a 2:2 in 2013
▲ Learned to design in 3D
▲ Worked as a bartender for 2 months
▲ Setup & supported RunGoldieRun.com
2015 - 2020
▲ Began to learn how to program with JQuery
▲ Renovated a house to sell from Jan - Jul
▲ Worked as a merchandiser at Deeset
▲ Acquired high profile domain names
▲ Restructured my web presence and targets
▲ Started training as a Care Worker (theory)
▲ Worked at Ladbrokes for 4 months
▲ Documented new Facebook feedback
▲ Participated in Mobile App workshops
▲ Made an Android sensor ball game
▲ Began developing Famojy.com
▲ Developed a digital Mother's Day card
▲ Kickstarted WikiDesign.world
▲ Founded The Data Driven Game Company
▲ Overcome mental health challenges
▲ Saved two lives before pandemic
2020 - 2025
▲ Registered to GoodSam Responder
▲ Realigned Data Driven Game Company
▲ Made progress with BattleRoyal.world
▲ Setup the ToMyBooks.com Service
▲ BattleRoyal.world to UIA The Game
▲ Developed subsidiaries for UIA The Game
▲ Initiated my WatchSunny streamer profile
▲ Began developing ImTheStreamer.com
▲ Founded the Designer B clothing label
▲ Started the Designer Baby clothing brand
▲ Established the Derby Community Hub
▲ Refreshed DesigningThings.work
▲ Founded StreamerTM for clothing
▲ Founded The ImFashion Group LTD
▲ Developed Derby Industry Hubs
▲ Prepared Page & Group Networks